How To Get Rid Of Corrosion On A Car Battery

Car batteries are prone to corrosion. These are the white powdery particles that build-up in your battery terminals. It is caused by the acid leaks coming from the inner side of the battery. If these corrosions are not cleaned-up, it will damage the battery in time.

You will notice that your battery has a hard starting. This signs could already be an indication that corrosion build-up is already forming in your cell.

How do you get rid of corrosion on a car battery? There are several ways on how to remove corrosion on a car battery. You have to remove the battery cables first to do this. Once you have eliminated the wires, then you can start cleaning and neutralizing the corrosion build-up.

Here’s how you clean them up:

Step 1: Remove the corrosion by using a battery cleaning agent.
Step 2: Use a baking soda for cleaning your battery terminal.

These are two of the most proven active cleaning agent for your battery terminals. It cleans, and it prevents the build-up of corrosion in your battery. Battery cleaning agents are available at any auto and battery shops.

More Details About Getting Rid of Corrosion on a Car Battery

Step 1: Remove the corrosion by using a battery cleaning agent. It is one of the most effective ways to clean the corrosion on your battery. There are plenty of commercial-grade battery cleaners that do both clean and neutralize.
Step 2: Use a baking soda for cleaning your a car battery terminals. Household items are always at hand, and they have a multitude of use and purpose. Baking soda is an active agent for battery corrosion too. You may use baking soda to remove the build-up. All you need is water and a teaspoon of baking soda to do the solution. You may use an old toothbrush in scrubbing the terminals with a coat of baking soda.
When the bubbling starts, it means that the ingredients are reacting with one another. This process is called the neutralization of acid. Rinse and dry the terminals thoroughly after cleaning.

What Does it Mean When There is Corrosion on Your Battery?

Corrosion found on the terminals of your batteries is from the hydrogen gas released by the battery acid. Once it mixed with other substances in the atmosphere under your car hood, it forms the corrosion that you see on the battery terminals.

If the corrosion is coming from the negative terminal, your battery indicates that it is undercharged. If the build-up is formed on the positive side, it means it is overcharged. Typically, the build-up is often seen on the negative side of the battery because most batteries are undercharged.

Does Using Wd-40 on Battery Corrosion Effective?

The use of Wd-40 against battery corrosion can be useful. It is a long term rust solution. It is designed to protect and work against rust and metal parts. It can fight corrosion for up to one year if used outdoors and two years if used indoors.

Wd-40 works against rust and is suitable for preventive and maintenance purposes. It has non-drying protection that remains there where you spray it.

Do You Need to Replace a Corroded Battery?

No, if the corrosion build-up is considered minor only. It means that you can still clean this up by using the anti-corrosion agent. Continually cleaning your battery terminal can sometimes be enough to make your batteries work longer. However, if the old plastic guards have already been damaged, then it is time to replace it with a new one.

Can Corrosion Damage the Car’s Electronics?

There are certain types of battery leaks that may damage or ruin your car’s electronic system. An alkaline battery, for example, can leak and go through the electronic components and destroyed it.

It can also happen in car batteries. You can avoid this by regularly checking on your electrical gadgets and devices and checking on the battery corrosion that builds-up over time.

The Effects of Corroded Battery

Whether you like it or not, a corroded car battery will affect your car’s performance. You won’t notice it at once, but in time, the effects of a corroded battery may be long term.

1. Hard-starting or cranking up your vehicle. Difficulty in cranking up your vehicle is one of the failing effects of a corroded battery. Corrosion along the battery terminals will significantly interfere with the battery and the car, thus creating a hard start-up.
The corrosion may also cause the loosening of battery terminals. That is why the power given out is intermittent.
2. Acidic fumes. When there is battery corrosion, acidic fumes will be emitted from the battery. These fumes will form the build-up of further corrosion on the battery terminals. It will then lessen the conduction of power from the battery terminal to the vehicle.
3. No electric power. When there is a loss of electrical power, chances are, the battery terminals are corroded. The loss of control happens only during this situation. When you already experienced this, it is a sign that you should be replacing your battery terminals. The terminals play a vital role in the mobility and functionality of the vehicle.

Cleaning a Battery Compartment with Corroded Battery

1. Use protective gloves
2. Remove the damaged or leaking batteries from the compartment.
3. Place the leaking battery in a sealed plastic bag.
4. Use a towel to remove any trace of corrosion.
5. Using a vinegar, moisten a cotton swab tip to wipe the corroded contacts. Remove all white residue on the battery compartment.
6. Rinse the contacts with water. Use this by moistening the tip of a cotton swab with water to remove the residue of the vinegar.
7. Dry the contacts with a towel before replacing a new battery into the compartment.

These simple reminders are equally important too. Before you install a new car battery, you have to make sure that it is thoroughly clean from the previous build-up. By doing this, you will know, and you can closely monitor if the coming build-up is from the previous one or your newly installed battery.

Knowing how to get rid of corrosion on a car battery is a skill that every car owner should know. It is a must-learned skill, and learning how to prevent it will save you from future expenses.

1. How to Remove Car Battery Corrosion – Go Auto
2. How to Replace Battery Terminals – The Family Handyman
3. Can a Leaky Battery Ruin Electronics? – It Still Works
4. Symptoms of Bad or Failing Battery Terminal Ends – Autoblog