Hi, I’m Mark Neal.
Thanks for your interest in writing for BATTERY MAN GUIDE.
Here are the details to get published:
Topics: Battery only.
Length: 2,500+ words
Cost: No cost. I do not charge any fees when accepting and publishing guest posts.
Delivery: .docx. But please do NOT include any images in the .docx. If you have images/screenshots, send them as attachments via email.
Quality: The article must be the very best for its topic online.
Screenshots: In the “blogging” niche, many article topics are enhanced with screenshots – especially how-to articles.
Links: Please source everything with outbound links. In fact, if you do solid research, there should be 10+ outbound links referencing your work. You can include one in-content dofollow link to your site.
Reserve the right to refuse: Your article submission is a submission. It’s not a sure-thing. I reserve the right to refuse it or require revisions.
Affiliate links: Please do NOT include affiliate links. FYI, I may add my own affiliate links to the article.
Copyright: You agree that copyright passes entirely to Fatstacksblog.com.
Contact Info: Contact me at guestpost[at]batterymanguide.com to get the ball rolling.
I look forward to working with you.
FYI, I get a lot of pitches. If you don’t hear back from me within a week, your email may have been buried. I apologize in advance. Please feel free to resend it.