Hyundai Battery Warranty {These Things You Must Know About!}

Hyundai has slowly become one of the most recognized automobile brands worldwide. This is because it is a company known for producing quality vehicles with competitive prices.

The company also prides itself on manufacturing top of the line quality vehicles and customer-friendly support. They are also known for their generous warranty policies that prove to be beneficial to their clients. Even the batteries and other components of their vehicles are covered by warranty.

What should you need to know about Hyundai battery warranty? Every new Hyundai vehicle is covered by their standard “bumper-to-bumper” warranty policy that covers the entire vehicle and its components. Under this policy, the battery is covered up to three years with unlimited mileage.

For MY 15 and prior vehicle models, the battery is covered for two years, and after the first two years, for the remaining year, Hyundai covers 25% of the replacement battery cost and the entire labor cost.

For the MY 16, the battery is covered for three years or 36,000 miles (whichever comes first) with no proration. However, for the Hybrid Batteries, the policy is different.

Each hybrid Hyundai vehicle, the battery will have lifetime coverage, if you are the original owner of the car. The battery coverage for hybrid cars is ten years or 100,000 miles if you are a subsequent Hyundai vehicle owner.

Hyundai’s policy also states that if the hybrid battery’s lithium-polymer fails, the battery will be replaced, and the company will cover all recycling expenses of the old battery.

If you have difficulty understanding the coverage of the Hyundai’s warranty policy on batteries, I will try to shed light on everything that it covers. I will also talk about the complete coverage of Hyundai’s battery warranty of both the standard 12-Volt car battery as well as the hybrid battery.

Coverage of Hyundai Warranty for the Standard 12-Volt Battery

The warranty policy of Hyundai states that each brand new vehicle will be under their standard warranty, where the battery is covered by a three-year warranty, which will be broken down into two parts.

Within the first two years without mileage, the battery coverage of the warranty will be 100% replacement. After the first two years, the coverage will be 25% of the new replacement battery and 100% labor and service cost for the remaining year.

This is applicable for 2015 or earlier Hyundai vehicle models. For 2016 Hyundai models, the battery coverage will be three-years or 36,000 miles, whichever comes first.

Coverage of Hyundai Warranty for the Hybrid Car Battery

Each new Hyundai hybrid vehicle will also be under a standard policy, but the battery coverage is different from the standard 12-volt battery. For all US Sonata Hybrids from 2012 to 2016, the hybrid battery will have lifetime coverage.

The policy ensures that a failing battery is replaced, and Hyundai should shoulder the recycling of the old battery. However, the warranty policy states that the lifetime coverage will only be applicable for the original owner of the vehicle. For subsequent owners, the coverage will be ten years or 100,000 miles.

Hyundai Battery Warranty Exclusions

Hyundai’s battery warranty also states that there are exclusions from the policy. These exclusions are considered as the things that the policy will not cover. Since I am only talking about the battery warranty, I modified these exclusions and only included all the things that relate to the automotive battery.

To learn more about these exclusions, I listed them below:

1. Regular Dissipation (wear and tear)

The car battery is considered a “wear and tear” part, so Hyundai’s warranty policy will not cover the natural degradation of the battery. Damages or issues that cause the battery to be defective due to its natural wear or regular use won’t be considered under the policy.

Even if the battery is still within the three years, if the cause of its demise is regular wear, it won’t be covered by Hyundai.

2. Maintenance or Upkeep of the Battery

Hyundai also considers the battery as a maintenance component that is not covered by the policy. This means that Hyundai won’t be responsible for maintaining the automotive battery of the vehicle.

It means that replacing the battery acid will not be under warranty, and the service will be charged to the owner of the vehicle. If the battery of the vehicle undergoes the maintenance service, and upkeep the battery needs will be charged with a corresponding fee.

3. Improper Use and Abuse of the Component

Another exclusion of this car battery warranty is the improper use and abuse of the particular component. If your car’s battery is damaged and is caused by mistreating the battery or improper use, the warranty of the battery will be nullified.

This means that if the damage of the car battery is caused by handling it in a way that contradicts the instructions stated on the owner’s manual, the warranty will again be nullified.

The owner’s responsibility is to take care of the battery and to handle it properly, so any damage caused by failure to follow that responsibility will lead to a nullified warranty.

4. Tampering and Modification that Leads to Damages

Damages on the battery caused by any alteration, modification, and tampering will also void the warranty. If the battery of the Hyundai vehicle is damaged because of failed attempts of a third party repair service, the warranty will be nullified.

If the user attempts to modify the battery or accidentally damages it due to any alteration attempt, the warranty will be voided.

5. Commercial Use

In case the Hyundai vehicle, hybrid or not, is subjected to commercial use, the warranty of the battery will again be nullified. If the vehicle is used as a taxi, rental, delivery medium, or any commercial purpose, it will be excluded from the warranty coverage.

This is because the warranty policy of Hyundai is designed for private ownership only, and it does not cover commercial use of vehicles. Commercial vehicles receive more wear and tear, which makes them more complicated.

Those are the main exclusions of the Hyundai car battery warranty. Any battery or issue that falls to any of those conditions will immediately nullify the warranty coverage on the battery.

Keep in mind that I only listed the exclusions that have something to do with batteries. For exclusions of the entire vehicle warranty, more conditions should belong to that list.

The Average Lifespan of a Hyundai Car Battery

If you are wondering how long a Hyundai car battery can last. The average Hyundai automotive battery is expected to last up to six years. Depending on various factors, it may last for at least three to four years.

The factors that significantly affect battery life include extreme temperatures, heavy electrical loads, humidity, driving habits, proper charging, and more.

A well-maintained Hyundai battery will have a better chance to last longer. Provided that it is well taken care of, adequately charged at all times, and properly maintained, its chance to last longer will be great.

However, you also have to keep in mind that there are some factors that can’t be controlled like temperatures, climates, and humidity. These factors may lessen the battery life without any prevention.