The battery of an electric vehicle like Nissan Leaf is the most expensive component of the vehicle. It’s no wonder why majority of Nissan Leaf owners are asking the question, how much does a Nissan Leaf replacement battery cost? I don’t own a Nissan Leaf yet, but is in my bucket list, that’s why I too am interested in knowing the answer.
How much would it cost to replace a Nissan Leaf battery? As of 2017, replacement batteries for Nissan Leaf 2011 to 2015 models cost $5,499, excluding installation cost. If your Nissan Leaf is a 2011 or a 2012 model, you have to add $225 to cover the cost of an adapter kit specially made to retrofit the replacement battery to your car.
However, this year, rumors persisted that Nissan increased the price of its Nissan Leaf battery replacement. This information came from a netizen who inquired directly from Nissan. He said he was informed that the cost is now $7,000 excluding taxes and installation cost.
And, it seems that this rumor is confirmed by the announcement made by the company in connection with their battery replacement program offering “refabricated” replacement batteries (the program is discussed later in this article).
According to the announcement, Nissan is offering replacement batteries that are “refabricated” for only $2,850 (300,000 yen). However, new battery packs of 24 kWh batteries are now priced at $6,200 (650,000 yen), 30 kWh battery packs for $7,600 (800,000 yen) and 40 kWh battery packs for $7,800 (820,000 yen).
By the way, the battery replacement program is only applicable to the Japanese market. There is no assurance yet that it will also be applied to other markets such as the American or European market.
Preconditions To The Nissan Leaf Replacement Battery Price
Going back to the 2017 replacement cost of $5,499, there are certain provisos that a car owner needs to be aware of.
These are:
● He or she must own the car whose battery is being replaced
● If there is an outstanding loan for the car, the owner has to get an approval from the lender for the replacement
● The original battery has to be returned to Nissan for use in a grid system or for recycling.
● NIssan imputes $1,000 for the value of the old battery.
The swap can be financed through Nissan. A monthly installment of $100 will be required and the car owner only owns the battery once it is fully paid. The transaction is not a rental or lease arrangement. It is an outright sale.
The replacement battery will also enjoy all the advantages of the most recent improvements, such as cooling upgrades. Nissan calls the replacement battery its “lizard battery”, which means it is not as vulnerable to advanced degeneration if used in places where the climate is hot.
The replacement battery has the same warranty as the batteries in a new Nissan Leaf car – 100,000 miles or 8 years for defects and 60,000 miles or 5 years for capacity loss whichever comes first.
Nissan says these replacement batteries are the same batteries used for 2015 Nissan Leaf cars. Even as replacements, these batteries are counted upon to provide comparable range and charging traits as the batteries in Nissan Leaf cars when it was launched in 2010.
What Is A Nissan Leaf?
The NIssan Leaf is a very popular electric car that can seat five passengers. It is a compact car that is claimed to have zero emission. It is powered by an electric motor with 80 kW that uses a 24 kWh lithium-ion battery. It is not only an eco-friendly car that helps protect the environment,but it also saves you money, especially since the price of fuel has been increasing in the last decade.
In a lot of ways, electric cars are a phenomenon that has not yet been fully explored. But, it can’t be denied that it has long-term benefits that impact on the environment and in fuel conservation. The Nissan Leaf, one of the best selling electric car, clearly epitomizes such attributes. Meanwhile, Nissan has made its name as one of the most established electric car makers in the global auto industry arena.
A Nissan Leaf has a battery pack consisting of 192 cells. It has 24 modules with 8 cells per module. Initially, the Nissan Leaf was introduced with twice the number of modules. The 2011 Nissan Leaf uses a 24 kWh battery and it has 48 modules with 4 cells per module. When Nissan, however, introduced the 30 kWh battery, the modules were pared down to half. This is to intensify the battery pack’s energy density more.
The battery pack for the Nissan Leaf 2018 also has the same number of cells, but these cells have a more heightened energy density.
How Long Does A Nissan Leaf Battery Last?
All batteries suffer a loss in capacity over time, but the longevity of a battery will depend on several factors such as:
● The miles or distance traveled
● Climate
● Driver’s equanimity for battery degradation
Nissan Leaf batteries are said to last up to 10 years or more, although the company only gives it an 8-year warranty or 100,000 miles whichever comes first. You can expect to be battery problem-free for the period of the warranty before any serious issues will pop up. (Read this article if you are a Toyota Prius driver).
However, it is vital to understand that Nissan has its own definition of what they regard as a failed battery. Recognizing the company’s definition will give you the assurance that you are in sync when it comes to what a failed battery is. According to the Nissan warranty, a failed battery is one which has only one to four bars in a capacity with 12 bars.
The Nissan Battery Replacement Program
To start with, let me inform you that this is only applicable in Japan, but I think it is worth mentioning it here since there are plans to extend it to the other markets as well. The program started in Japan May of this year.
The program entails trading-in old Nissan Leaf batteries with “refabricated” battery packs at a discounted price. The 24 kWh “refabricated” battery packs will only cost $2,850 or 300,000 yen.
However, new batteries (non-refabricated) are now priced at $6,200 or 650,000 yen for 24 kWh, $7,600 or $800,000 yen for 30 kWh, and $7,800 or 820,000 yen for 40 kWh.
The “refabricated” battery packs have the same capacity as the original batteries. The program is meant to give previous Nissan Leaf owners an opportunity to maintain their cars in running condition and continue to drive a Nissan Leaf without having to buy a new one.
The rationale for the program is Nissan’s desire to reclaim the old batteries from the older Nissan Leaf cars. Because of the increasing demand for electric vehicles, it is expected that there will be a significant increase in used batteries.
By reclaiming these batteries, Nissan is counting on lowering the cost of replacement batteries and increase electric vehicle’s used-car value. This, hopefully, will boost ownership experience for electric cars and would consequently promote its use, and eventually contribute to the lowering of CO2 emissions.
As to when the program will be introduced in the US and other markets, there is no news yet. But, Nissan Leaf owners in America are looking forward to this new development. The price for the “refabricated” battery pack is quite reasonable, in fact very affordable. Making the program available to owners of older Nissan Leaf electric cars in the US is welcome news.
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How much does Nissan Leaf replacement battery cost is a question that has been answered years back. It was $5,499 until last year. However, in announcing a battery replacement program that offers “refabricated” battery packs for only $2,850, the company seems to have increased the price of “non-refabricated” replacement batteries.
It will be welcome news if and when Nissan’s battery replacement program replacing old Nissan Leaf batteries for “refabricated” battery packs will be introduced in the US, Owners of older Nissan Leaf cars can now have their battery packs replace at a very reasonable price.
Nissan gave an assurance that these replacement batteries will have the same capacity and enjoy the same advantages as a new battery, which is truly a boon for previous owners of Nissan Leaf.