In the recent past, governments in collaboration with environmentalists have been leading the campaigns for a greener environment. The use of solar panels is one of the best ways in which you can use clean and renewable sources of energy. Recently, and thanks to technology, it’s easy to capture and store the heat from the sun.
You will only need a minimum piece of equipment, which is the solar cell. By now, you must have come across these items, both at home and on the streets. These pieces of equipment are being utilized to help reduce the monthly electricity bills and even save the environment.
How much time is required to fill a 12v battery with a solar panel? This is a question that you will find many interested parties asking. Generally, it takes five to eight hours for the solar panel to charge a 12v battery completely. But you must know that the amount of charge-time is dependent on many factors such as obstructions, and the solar cell’s size.
Today, solar collectors can easily be bought at hardware near you. Besides, they can be found at the electronic store near you. The good thing about shopping for these pieces of equipment is that they are cheap as opposed to other sources of electricity, such as generators.
The government has reduced taxation on solar panels, a move aimed at encouraging individuals to utilize the clean and renewable source of energy.
Also, the fact that solar cells are easy to install makes the deal batter. This means that you don’t necessarily need a pro to come and fix it in your house. Most panels are highly portable and that’s based on the power capacity. So, you can easily carry it around without the need for a special kind of transportation.
With the panel at hand, you are in a position to access clean and safe electricity whenever you need it. While shopping for your equipment, you will require a charge controller. The device helps regulate the charge going into your battery.
You must have in mind that it’s hard to control the energy from the sun. On sunny days, for instance, the panel may deliver more energy as opposed to the cloudy day. It’s the work of a charge controller to ensure that your battery receives a consistent flow of power.
Failing to regulate the amount of charge going to your battery can lead to overcharging and as a result killing your battery.
How Can I Utilize the Solar Collector to the Maximum?
As you’re aware, the solar panel is designed to trap the heat energy from the sun and convert it into electricity. Therefore, if the weather turns cold, it means that your system won’t have the energy needed to charge your battery. It’s advisable to ensure that your solar collector is always pointed in the direction of the sun.
Pointing the equipment towards the direction of the sun ensures that it collects the energy needed at all the time. Adjusting the solar cell manually usually sound complicated, and a challenging task for many homeowners.
Thankfully, today, we’ve solar collectors which are automatic or can be adjusted using a remote controller. You can, therefore, invest in such upgraded solar panels to ensure that you utilize the solar energy to the maximum.
Also, obstructions such as trees and mountains can interfere with the system’s ability to trap sufficient energy from the sun. Say, for instance, the trees surrounding your home can cause shadows and thus blocking the amount of light reaching the equipment.
Therefore, it’s advisable to consider the location you intend to place the solar cell. A perfect location should be away from the trees or even tall buildings. By observing such things, you will ensure that your solar system receives the same amount of light throughout the day.
How the Charging Works?
By digging shallowly over the internet, you will come across many platforms explaining the work of a solar cell. Often, they say that the equipment is designed to collect the energy from the sun and drive it to a battery. Unfortunately, they never take their time to explain the mechanism on how the panels work, from the point go.
Behind the solar panel’s black structure, are photovoltaic cells, comprising of P and N-Type silicon. Everything within the photovoltaic cell starts to work whenever the light from the sun hits the cells on the board. The converted electricity is then directed to your battery for storage. Or, the power may be converted into alternating current for use within the house.
Which Battery Can I Use With My Solar?
Most homeowners use the Lithium-ion battery while using a solar cell. This type of cell is universal because it charges quickly. Besides, the battery is known for having a high efficiency as it delivers more kWh during its lifetime. Also, you may choose to go with a lead-acid battery.
Although this type of cell has reduced ability, it’s recommended because it’s cheap to install. One disadvantage that comes with using a lead-acid battery on a solar cell is that it needs to be maintained regularly and discharges faster.
Recently, there are hybrid, AGM, GEL and Nickel-Cadmium batteries, which you can use to turn your charging experience with a solar panel amazing. These lines of cells come with a high price tag but are worth the investment. They last longer as compared to the other types of batteries.
Using a solar collector to charge a battery is a common practice in many homes. It helps save the environment because you utilize a clean source of energy, which is the sun. Often, you will find interested people asking how long it can take to charge their 12 volts batteries using a solar panel.
By reading through this article, you will learn that it takes about five to eight hours to charge an empty 12 volts battery completely. Read through the entire piece to understand in detail, everything that goes around the world of solar cells and batteries.
1. Estimating Solar Charge Time For Batteries – Voltaic Solar Blog
2. Everything You Need to Know About Solar Chargers – BatteryStuff.com