It has a high capacity with low self-discharge. This kind of battery also does not have memory effect, making them a great choice for a battery. However, there will be times that the battery begins to deteriorate. But don’t throw them away immediately. You can still probably fix it so that it can still serve you for a long time.
Here, i’ll show you the ways to recondition a Li-ion battery. Li-ion batteries can tolerate more cycles of discharge and recharge before you start noticing that it is having a problem. But once it does start to have issues, you can do some steps to recondition it.
Firstly, you have to be cautious in all the steps that you will be taking for the procedure. You should know the electrolyte found inside the battery is flammable. The cell also is pressurized. Be mindful of the process and don’t forget to wear your safety glasses while you are working on your lithium-ion batteries.
Guide To Reviving Lithium Ion Batteries
(Watch this helpful video before reading the information below).
● Safety glasses
● Li-ion battery charger
● Voltmeter
● Crocodile clips
● Power source such as another battery
When doing this procedure, it is highly important that you follow the steps i will share with your correctly and carefully. Just like any kind of battery, Li-ion batteries can be dangerous if mishandled. Don’t forget to wear your safety goggles throughout the whole process of reconditioning your Li-ion batteries.
Take A Reading Of The Voltage
The first step that you should do for this procedure would be to use your voltmeter to take a reading of the voltage. With Li-ion batteries, there is such as thing as a sleep mode that becomes activated when the battery is being drained too much. If your battery has been constantly being discharged while still in the device and then you leave it to be discharged further, then you may not be able to charge it again.
If your battery has a rate of 3.7 volts and when you take a reading with your voltmeter, you see that it is already under 1 volt, then the Li-ion battery won’t be accepting the charge. The great thing is that this can be fixed. What you need to do is to give your battery a jump from another battery or power source.
Jumpstart The Battery
For this to work, prepare a healthy battery with the same voltage rating as the battery you are trying to recondition. Place these batteries in a circuit. Use the crocodile clips so that you can use them to attach both of the batteries together. Don’t forget to attach the positive to the negative using both of the cables to make sure that your circuit is working.
Leave the two batteries but make sure that you monitor them for ten to fifteen minutes. Check the batteries in case there is damage. Also, check that both of the batteries are not too hot. After that, use your voltmeter to check the voltage of the battery you are restoring. You will observe that the Li-ion battery now has a higher voltage and can be charged normally again.
Keeping Your Li-ion Batteries Healthy
It is important that you know how to properly care for your things. And this includes the lithium-ion batteries of your devices. For the lithium-ion batteries to last long, make sure to take care of them.
When cared for properly, they can serve you for a long time, and you won’t be needing to buy new batteries any time soon. This way, you can save money, and you also contribute less to pollution because you won’t be throwing away the batteries that you can still fix.
Here Are Some Tips To Keep Your Batteries Healthy
1. Store Li-ion batteries in an area that is cool or room temperature. Leaving your battery in a hot place can cause damage. Keep it out of direct sunlight. Don’t leave your devices in a hot car or any place that gets direct sunlight and heat.
2. If your Li-ion battery is already discharged or low in power, don’t wait for it to be discharged completely. Charge it immediately. This is how you keep it from losing its capacity to keep its charge.
3. Do charge your batteries regularly. Again, don’t wait that the batteries are completely discharged. When you charge the batteries often, it will increase its lifespan.
4. Remember to use only good quality chargers for your Li-ion batteries.
Now that you know how to recondition lithium ion batteries, i’d love to know if the procedure has been successful for you. Have you tried fixing Li-ion batteries before? If so, do share with us your experience about it.
Once you are successful with restoring your Li-ion battery, share your newfound knowledge to your family and friends so that they will be able to fix their batteries as well and they won’t need to buy new ones.
For more battery details, you can visit at